Monday, February 4, 2013

From the mouths of babes...

Gabriella my niece, out of the blue - asked me on Saturday 'Aunty Tarry why is God so famous?' I answered as best I could with the first thing that jumped into my mind - "It’s because He loves us so much" I said - to which she replied "BUT EVERYBODY LOVES US!?" not understanding the difference, so I said "But no one loves us as much as God loves us" and I believe that settled it in her inquisitive young mind.

Later that night, in our commonly every night bedtime routine, I put Caleb in bed  & after saying a short and sweet little good night prayer - I ask him "Who loves you?" he thinks for a moment and responds by saying "EVERYBODY LOVES ME"... & I smile and kiss him goodnight.

The naivety in this 6 & 3 year old mind's is endearing! Their innocence in believing that "Everybody loves them"  warms my heart, I probably believed that Everybody loved me too at that age, but I only hope and pray - that this "TRUTH" of their's will last a lifetime - that they both walk through life not only believing and knowing that there is something special and wonderful and unique about them that not only needs but deserves to be "LOVED" by everybody and that they never ever settle for anything less!

May you always be LOVED - Gabriella & Caleb  - and by EVERYBODY.

My babies...