Thursday, January 17, 2013

Tattoo - to make (pictures or designs) on (the skin) by pricking and staining with indelible colours

I'm a mommy “Tattooed” & “Pierced” and not forgetting “Fierce!”… haha!

So I've been dying to get a tattoo since my first (three stars below) which was never finished, but that was put on hold due to a number of things including being pregnant with Christian! But I promised myself i'd get it done before the end of 2012... And especially before my next pregnancy (which we not planning officially, although i'm broody as hell!) And i did! on the 30th December 12 with my best friend "Thelcha" in tow for moral support, I had them done!
And might i add, it wasn't all sunshine & roses! It hurt like hell - and I remember thinking in the moment - 'what the hell have I let myself in for!' & wanting to run screaming for the hills! But i managed it although with the worst  timing! The next day was Caleb's third birthday, so after being in pain from just having both my arms tattooed, I had to head home to bake a birthday cake, cupcakes and make cone clowns! But since I’m pretty sure i was a 'ROCK STAR" in a previous life - I carried it all off like a pro & Caleb had a beautiful birthday! Thanks to Craig (the tattoo artist) for a job well done & for being so considerate & professional!